Epstein - Home The New Art Gallery Walsall


Date Private Public Related Works
1880 Born in New York on November 10
1894 Begins studying at the Art Student’s League of New York Men with Mice and Birds or Fortune Telling with Rats
The Sweat Shop or Lunch in the Shop
1901 Illustrated Hutchins Hapgood’s The Spirit of the Ghetto
Draws self-portrait
Self Portrait
1902 Moves to Paris
1903 Meets Margaret Dunlop
1904 Sculpts:
Baby Awake
Baby Asleep
Baby Awake
1905 Moves to London Sculpts Mother and Child
1906 Sculpts Girl with a dove
1907 Marries Margaret Dunlop Commissioned to decorate the British Medical Association Building in the Strand
Sculpts Romilly John
1908 Completes the decoration of the British Medical Association Building
Euphemia Lamb
Fountain Figure
Study for Maternity (BMA building)
1909 Draws Nan Condron
Mrs Ambrose McEvoy
Head of Nan
1910 Acquires British citizenship on December 22 Sculpts:
Crouching Sun Goddess
Lady Gregory
Marie Rankin
Mrs Emily Chadbourne
One of the hundred pillars of the secret temple
Sun God
The Flame of Life
1912 Completes the tomb of Oscar Wilde Study for the Tomb of Oscar Wilde
1913 Has first one man exhibition at the Twenty-One Gallery
Begins work on Rock Drill
1916 Moves to 23 Guildford Street, London Exhibits Rock Drill
1917 Conscripted as a private in the Jewish 38th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers Has first exhibition at the Leicester Galleries
Fails to gain a commission as an official war artist
1918 Daughter Peggy Jean Epstein born
1920 Exhibits Risen Christ The Risen Christ or Noli me Tangere (Touch me Not)
Hands of the Risen Christ
1921 Meets Kathleen Garman First Portrait of Kathleen
1922 Commissioned to create the W.H Hudson Memorial
1924 Son Theodore Garman born Rejected as a candidate for the Chair of Sculpture at the Royal College of Art
1925 Completes the Hudson Memorial
1926 Exhibits Visitation
1927 Daughter Kitty Garman born Exhibits Madonna and Child Portrait of Kitty
First Portrait of Kitty with curls
Heads of New York Madonna and Child
Kitty II
1928 Moves to 18 Hyde Park Gate, Knightsbridge Commissioned to carve Day and Night on the London Underground Electric Railways headquarters
1929 Daughter Esther Garman born 3rd Portrait of Esther with Flower
First portrait of Esther with long hair
1931 Exhibits Genesis
1932 Exhibits Old Testament watercolours
1933 Paints almost a hundred watercolours of Epping Forest Autumn Landscape, Epping Forest
1934 Son Jackie Epstein born Begins carving Ecce Homo
1935 Ecce Homo attacked by the Catholic press
1936 Begins carving Consummatum Est
1937 British Medical Association statues are mutilated
1938 Receives an honorary degree from Aberdeen University
1939 Exhibits Adam Figure Study Male Nude Adam
1942 Exhibits Jacob and the Angel
1945 Exhibits Lucifer, which is rejected as a gift by the Tate and the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge
1947 Margaret Epstein dies
1949 Commissioned to create Youth Advancing for the Festival of Britain
1950 Commissioned to create Madonna and Child for the Convent of the Holy Child Jesus in London
1951 Exhibits Lazarus
1953 Receives an honorary doctorate from Oxford University Refuses an offer of membership to the Royal Society of British Sculptors
Commissioned to create Christ in Majesty for Llandaff Cathedral
1954 Receives a knighthood
Son Theodore Garman dies
Daughter Esther Garman dies
Begins Liverpool Resurgent for the John Lewis department store in Liverpool
1955 Marries Kathleen Garman Commissioned to create:
The Trade Union Congress War memorial in London
St Michael and the Devil for Coventry Cathedral
1956 Liverpool Resurgent is unveiled
1957 Christ in Majesty is unveiled
1958 The TUC War Memorial is unveiled
Begins the Bowater House Group
1959 Dies of a heart attack on August 19 at 18 Hyde Park Gate and is buried in Putney Vale Cemetery after a memorial service at St Paul’s Cathedral Completes the Bowater House Group on the day of his death